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Sell Textbooks

Buyback Estimate

Please make any final changes to your buyback list. Once you have completed your list, please print and bring it with your textbooks to UNO Bookstore. Buyback prices above are an estimate of the potential price paid and are not guaranteed. The UNO Bookstore may change the price of any textbook at anytime. Prices may actually be higher in the store during peak buyback time.

List of buyback books
  Buyback Price  
This estimate generated on 4/18/2024. TOTAL: $0.00  

print this estimate

This system is provided for students only. All buyback prices provided are subject to change due to pricing updates and/or based on the condition of the book when it arrives at the bookstore.

Please print your estimate(above) and bring your books to the store.

Expiration date for this estimate: Buyback prices above are an estimate of the potential price paid and are not guaranteed. The UNO Bookstore may change the price of any textbook at anytime. Prices may actually be higher in the store during peak buyback time.